
Showing posts from August, 2018


                                NUROKIND-GOLD A BOUT: NUROKIND GOLD IS A MULTIVITAMIN AND MINERAL CAPSULE.  TOTAKE THE NUOKIND GOLD IS THE MAIN CAUSE IS IT IS PROVIE THE MINERAL AND MULTIVITAMIN IN BODY WEAK CONDITION . THE NUROKIND GOLD CAPS IS ALSO USE TO IMMUNO DEFICENCY IN BODY. IT ALSO USED AS NERVE DAMAGE,VITAMIN DEFICENCY,SOME CASE HEART PROBLEM. INGRADIENT: Niacinamide Vitamin B6 Mecobalamin Vitamin D3 Folic acid Calcium phosphate Elemental phosphate ferrous furmarate  Zinc sulphate monohydrate Magnesium sulphate Eq. to Elimental magnisium Magnesium sulphate Copper sulphate pentahydrate Eq. to Elimentl copper Potasium iodie Eq. to Elimental iodide Potacium sulphate Eq. to elimental potasium  And also Exipient also aded ACTIVE INGRIDENT: F ollic acid Vitamin B1 Methylcobmin THESE THREE COMPONENTS IS THEMAIN ACTIVE INGRADIENT IN NUROKIND GOLD CAPSULE. USES: For  Vitamin deficency Nerve damage HEart problem Immun


                                            DIGENE SYRUP  N ormally digene syrup is to use in purpose to antacid  and antigas also multi action fo quick relif from acidity,gs,heartburn,bloted stomach and  uneasiness.    contains:       Each 10ml (two teaspoonfuls approx.) contains,                   Magnesium hydroxide I.P              185mg                   Simethicone I.P                                 50mg                   Sodium carboxymethylcellulose I.P   100mg                 Dried alluminium hydroxide gel I.P     830mg               IN FLAVOUR SUGA FREE BASE               COLOUR:CARMOISINE   USED:         STOMACH ACID      PEPTIC ULSER PAIN          UPSET STOMACH     ACIDITY      HEARTBURN      UNEASINESS      SOUR STOMACH      CONSTIPATION      SWELLING BOMEN   MODE OF ACTION: Digene is used to neutrilize the hydrochloride(Hcl) secreat to the stomach gastric juice.the digene antacid is rise the P H a